Wednesday, June 23, 2010


So as I have written below my blog title, there is one kitten that just dispises me and that is Sooty... :-) I don't know what it is, I think it might be because I kill her with kindness? If I pick her up she growls at me, then when I put her down she runs about three feet away and turns around and hisses at me! She doesn't like pats at all or brushes, her skin crawls when anyone touches her. What is it with cats like this, she was dumped in someones front yard for goodness sake!! I've done nothing but love and nurture her since she arrived, my friends would call me a very overprotective Mother if I had children. LOL. Poor Sooty she just doesn't like to be loved.... However she does like her food!!!!!! SHE IS FAT!

PS. I didn't put her in the bag, she got in there herself!

1 comment:

  1. Sooty does love you!!!!!! Just in a funny/weird sort of cat language only way!

    Love the background witht he little paw prints! Very Sooty and Sweep :)
